Monday 30 December 2013




I don't normally make New years resolutions....beyond the usual "go on a diet and get fit" ones....and they rarely last more than a couple of weeks! But I have big dreams and plans for 2014, both for our home and for Nostalgiecat....and for myself!
The year that has been has taught me that putting my goals out in public, by blogging about them, makes me more inclined to put my mind to it.....and JUST DO IT!
So today ,on the last day of 2013, I want to share my resolutions for next year. Some of them may sound a little "self-help"...but that is exactly the point!

#1 Believe in myself and stay focused and positive.

I have already started a wonderful journey through Nostalgiecat, I just need to credit myself for every small achievement and keep up the good work! It is NOT shameful to want success and to better myself and my circumstances... I may even look into monetizing on the blog in the new year!

#2 live in the moment

Get more organised and plan ahead both projects and blog posts, so that I can switch off and really be there for Little Miss Moo and family and friends....and remember to enjoy myself bit more!!

#4 Make more of an effort to connect with likeminded people

Remember to "treat others how I would lie to be treated". Sometimes I get so consumed in my own little blogging bubble that I forget to take the time to credit the people that inspires me...I read numerous inspiring blogs, but rush fleetingly from one to the next without leaving comments!
I wow to improve on this in 2014!

#5 Tackle the bigger projects around our home 

This WILL be the year I get my arse in gear and sort out the house!!
As much as I love all my little projects, it is time I fold up my sleeves and get stuck into decorating and renovating our home!! There is a big TO DO list, but little by little, room by room, I am hoping to update and improve the place....
...which brings me to the first challenge I have set myself in the New year:
 I have signed up to Apartment Therapy's

"We believe that when your home is under control, fresh and clean and organised, good things happen throughout your life"

Apartment Therapy is one of those HUGE blogs that is just chucca block full of inspiration (But you probably knew that already!!) and they are repeating their hugely successful THE JANUARY CURE to help us all get organized in 2014.

Sign up to their daily e-mails throughout January for bite sized and do-able daily assignments and useful information and support and motivation to help you organize your home (and life) for 2014.

Click on the link above the image to find out more...

I am hoping that by doing the January Cure, I will be all set for success in pursuing my other resolutions in 2014...Why don't you join me??

Anyways, I sincerely wish you all a very happy new year!

CHEERIO 2013, HELLO 2014!!

