Hi all!
Just a quick update!
Having moved back to my native childhood village of Steinsland, Norway about a month ago, we are still just trying to get settled into our new life here!
It is a big change from our life in England, and there is a lot to consider and still to work out, so I am not yet ready to take up blogging again. But I thought I'd give you all a quick update on how we are getting on, as well as share some of my dreams and aspirations for the year ahead:
I have started working in a music shop, selling instruments and sound equipment, and I love it....there is a lot for me to learn, but I truly enjoy having a "real" job again....
Mia has started Norwegian school, and although she struggles a bit with the Norwegian language, she is settling in fine, making friends and enjoying the slightly more free atmosphere of the Norwegian school....She's growing in confidence and getting more independent every day, and most importantly: Seems to be genuinely happy in her new surroundings....
The truth is : I am so proud of her and how she's coping with all the changes in her life....more so than I have, as I have been finding it all a bit overwhelming, especially on a social level, and bar seeing a couple of friends I have kept myself to myself.
But things are starting to resolve, and although we are still living with my mum and dad, I have started looking for somewhere to live, and as I write this , all our stuff from England is due for delivery today....Yay!!
So, I am hoping that once me and little miss Moo have our own home, with all our stuff....and all the paperwork and other essentials are sorted, that our everyday life will get a bit less daunting and become easier....
In fact, my goal for this year is to start embracing a simpler life....to find a calmness in the structure of "normality"....I look forward to brighter days as the winter darkness here up north will disperse into spring and want to spend more time outdoors, in the beautiful nature that surrounds us...the woods and the sea.....Making our new home and life here easy and carefree...
I dream of late summer nights filled with music, laughter, good company and good food....embracing a healthy and active lifestyle and fully taking advantage of everything coastal living has to offer...
I guess the blog will evolve a bit with me in these aspects, and hope that you will all follow along in my quest for the simple life, when I'm ready to start blogging again....
I can finally, after what feels like ages spent in darkness, feel my creativity starting to bubble up under the surface again now, and I am sure that this new beginning will bring lots more creative projects for the blog....
So until then,
wish us luck and stay happy people!