....time to renew and update...

With our holiday in Norway coming to an end, so is Summer...
Everywhere I look, the signs in nature is evident:
The rose bushes is drooping, heavy with beautiful blooms, singing their last glorious songs of summer, the long summer nights up here in the north are getting noticeably shorter every day and the leaves have started turning scarlet....

The sea is getting cold and blustery, and my fishermen uncles are bringing us it's fruits, fat and full crabs, to enjoy in the last glimpses of summer sun...and the apples are turning crimson before falling to the ground with heavy thuds, ripe for the picking...
The forest is so lush, that you instinctly know that it is at it's climax....just waiting to turn...

Fields are abundant with the last flowers of this years summer, and blackberries and raspberries are starting to ripen ....The woods here in Norway are full of hazel trees covered in pale nuts, and in mum and dad's garden the plums are heavy and starting to turn colour...
I feel lucky to be able to come here and "feel" the nature for a while, before flying back to England later today....
...back to normality...
Little Miss Moo is starting school on Tuesday (!!!??)...Big school!!
I cant believe my little baby is growing up so fast!
I am looking forward to getting some more time on my hands with LMM in school all day, and I have lots of new and exciting projects in mind for Nostalgiecat...there will be some changes, but don't worry...I will keep posting my DIY tutorials, and of course keep true to the ethos of Nostalgiecat...
I am also on the cusp of starting up my Etsy shop....so I am very excited about the next couple of months...
But before I step it up a gear I plan to take a couple of weeks off blogging, to organise myself ....and to give the blog a facelift!!
So this will be my last post for a little while...I will be back very soon!!
Wishing you all a wonderful start to autumn,