What's been happening??
I think I am suffering from creative overflow at the moment:I am waking up in the night with a new idea of some sort, and keep going off on tangents...never actually getting anything done...
Our house (Read cupboards...hidden away from Mr.) is filled to the brim with half done projects and various art supplies...It is all making me a bit dizzy!!
My kitchen is my workshop, with paintbrushes in coffee cups and glued together biscuit crumbs...
I am hoping it is all a symptom of creativity and not mental illness!!

Today I have my half-done paper Mache pumpkins drying in the sun outside....veeeeery slowly!!
Nobody told me that you need like a lorry-load of patience when doing paper Mache...I honestly thought they'd be done by now and I would be posting my tutorial tomorrow....not a chance!! That'll have to be a post for next week!!

I've also made this skull-flake art on canvas in preparation for Halloween...Using the same method as I did when I made my Papel picado cushion , I used the skull flake template, and the tutorial from the slightly skull obsessed and very talented craftyladyabby...I simply stretched the material over a canvas to make it into a picture..

I have also finally finished my GUERRILLA EMBROIDERY...not one but two!! Here's the one I posted a couple of months ago, finished and coloured in...
In the midst of my crazy projects, I am trying to finish the post about the guerrilla embroidery movement in Norway, but I have not had any success in contacting them with regards to the "copy rights" of the term, so I have been holding back the post....I will send them one more e-mail, and then I will go ahead anyway....what's the worst that can happen??

My"expensive chair"....accidental knock off with some more embroidery work in progress...
Some of the little projects that have side-tracked me a bit....
When me and little miss Moo got back from Norway, and I was in the midst of redesigning the blog, I needed a dose of making time one day, So I put my wonky old white painted and battered kitchen chair outside, stripped all the paint off and painted the legs and spindles in a minty blue...My phone(that I use as my camera....as it is actually better than my actual camera...go figure!!) was in for repairs, so I didn't take any pictures of the work in progress, but I ABSOLUTELY LOVE the end result....The wood of the chair has that worn in look about it, and I love the way it contrasts with the fresh minty colour...Then I found THIS chair featured in the interior pages of the Sunday Times:

Quite similar hey??
This chair, the Arden,that I also absolutely love of course, is from Sitting firm, and costs a whopping £635.
I know mine isn't designed by Chris Eckersley, nor is it handmade in English Ash, but it has made me love my little wonky experiment of a kitchen chair all the more, just knowing that I've saved myself (as if I would ever go out and spend that kind of money on a chair...) over £600....
Well pleased with myself!!
I actually have some furniture redo commissions coming up in the next couple of weeks, so I will be doing another post about painting and finishing furniture as promised...When (if ever) I get organised...
I actually have some furniture redo commissions coming up in the next couple of weeks, so I will be doing another post about painting and finishing furniture as promised...When (if ever) I get organised...

Another thing that I am pleased with myself about , is of course, the opening of my Etsy shop: YESTERYEAR DECOR
I have been busy making an array of versions of my lace print plates.
There are different colour glazes, but also I collected a bunch of vintage lace doilies when we were in Norway...my favourite being the knitted texture of the one above.
Check out all my various plates, by clicking on the links below:
Check out all my various plates, by clicking on the links below:
I am also selling off a few of my furniture up cycling projects from the blog, such as:
and my black butterfly side table
There will be more items up in due time, but at the moment I am, as said, struggling to concentrate enough to finish anything off....Hopefully it will all fall in to place and there will be a more organized chaos....All I know at the moment is that I am just bursting with ideas....For the shop...AND for the blog...so please pop back again soon, to see what happens next!!
Oh! And if you have any advice for me on how to organise my creative chaos....that'll be much appreciated!!
I have no idea how to organize your beautiful ongoing projects. My own projects are in a hot state of messiness lol I also do that sometimes, getting up in the middle of the night because my creative adrenaline juices suddenly get pumping. It's a crazy wonderful feeling :D
I hear you Jenny! It's exhilarating and frustrating at the same time...I guess that is the way it is for creative people...Thanks for popping by!! xxjune
I hear you Jenny! It's exhilarating and frustrating at the same time...I guess that is the way it is for creative people...Thanks for popping by!! xxjune
Your stuff looks amazing hun! Yeah,I often have to write ideas down in the night-have a pad in my bedside table..or I'll loose them.. :)
Love seeing all that you do.. xxx
Thanks Magda...glad I am not on my own...Came across you etsy shop the other day...lovely dream catchers...are they all made by you??xxxJune
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