Thursday 8 October 2015

What Autumn means to me...

I thought I'd share a little post about what Autumn means to me, and the things I'd like to add to my home and life when the weather turns and the days get shorter....

I always get a bit melancholy this time of year...I find that my energy levels drops and the high octane full throttle creativity that defines my summer routines ebbs a bit..
In the words of one of my favorite singer's Ane Brun...maybe I'm just "too Scandinavian".

So I tend to revel a bit in the ascending darkness of Autumn, and instead of fighting it, this year I'd like to surround my self with cosyness...or "hygge" as the Danish say!

Being Norwegian, I like to live with the mantra: "There is no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothes" although it may be getting wet and windy outside, I'll still brave the elements and head outdoors:

Wellies, waterproofs and woolly jumpers at the ready...

Makes it all the more nicer when you finally get inside, shivering, wet and cheeks red from the blistering rain.....

Experience has taught me that nothing clears my melancholy head like a brisk walk...

In Norway they have a therm for people who like to enjoy life to the max: "Livs nyter" (:leaves neeter), and I recently realized that I am a "livs nyter" trapped in a workaholic's body....
This Autumn I am planning on working on this, and start living the life I actually want...
So I welcome Autumn, with all it's melancholy and darkness: This time I'll be ready!!

There is beauty and joy to be found in all seasons...and on cold, clear Autumn evenings, I'd love to spend some time in the garden , lighting the fire pit and using the storm kettle to boil up water for a cowboy brew in my Chemex, cuddling up on my sheepskin covered garden chair with Little Miss Moo , trying to spot bats flying around in the dark, eating freshly baked cinnamon muffins....these are the things memories are made of...

So, here's a few of my outdoors Autumn essentials:

Hunter wellies, rain coat and a back pack for Autumnal countryside walks....
And Outdoor party lightsstorm kettleSheepskin and firepit for cosy evenings outdoors.

I find that the chilly darkness of Autumn is tangible to my senses, preparing me for the even darker winter months ahead...and I hope that actually acknowledging these changes in me ,will help me find a comfort and happiness a way that only Autumn can...

And that spending time outdoors, will  me appreciate, all the more ,the comfy confinements of our home...

So I am stocking up on Blankets and throws...

...candles and books..

To set the mood for cosy evenings spent with music and a warm cup of Chai Latte...(or wine..LOL)...

I would love one of these Cashmere throws to snuggle up in with one of my favorite authors' Frode Grytten's book "The shadow in the river" ...Sipping a cup of homemade chai latte on a stormy Autumn evening, by the soft glow of traditionally handmade bees wax church candles from Watts and co...pulling on some slipper socks before heading to a bed with freshly washed sheets...

Then waking up on a blustering Autumnal Sunday morning, drinking copious amounts of fresh coffee and reading in bed for hours...

But the truth is, it doesn't always pan out like that, and I very rarely find the time to live this idyllic life I set myself up for....but at least I'm all set should the moment arrive and I should ever get an opportunity to spend a day in bed...

Autumn...I'm ready!


  1. What a beautiful post. I love the idea of your evening spent outside under the stars. I for one, need to do more of this in the winter months. As you say, its all about the right clothes (and wraps)

    Love your photographs x

  2. Love your photographs June!
    I totally agree with everything you said as well. I can’t stand when people start complaining when the weather starts to get crisp. It’s the best weather to get outside or cuddle on the couch under a blanket :)
    Karen x

  3. Some lovely autumnal inspiration and images, June. I am feeling more autumn-ready now! x

  4. Such a lovely post. I love Autumn and the change of season and trying to reflect that in my home. Nothing better than lots of blankets and candles everywhere xx

  5. Currently also obsessed with blankets, sheepskins and throws. I too also slightly fear this side of the year... Lots of early nights help with the dark mornings!

  6. Oh Autumn is my favourite time of year! Blankets and open fires

  7. Great post! I used to hate autumn and winter much preferring the lighter, brighter, warmer summer months. But since becoming a mum I've got a lot more excited about autumn and winter. I love the crisp air and the smell of the chill in the air. Snuggling up on a dark evening is great and I'm really looking forward to getting out with the kids. Like you say, you just need the right clothes!!


Please let me know your thoughts or questions on this post...I love hearing from you all...
