Tuesday 1 September 2015

The Amara interior blog awards

Hi !

OK, so due to me not feeling great this past week, I've struggled preparing the planned blogpost for you all....so instead of beating myself up about it, I've decided to be gentle on myself and have put together this replacement post instead...I hope you'll all forgive me!

So for those of you who doesn't already know, Nostalgiecat has been nominated for the second year running for best DIY and craft blog in the prestigious Amara Interior blog awards.

Last year, to my surprise, I made the final 5 shortlisted blogs in my category, and got to go to the amazingly decadent award ceremony, and I would love to make it again this year.
So, I thought I'd take this opportunity to tell you all how it changed my life to make the shortlist last year, and how much it would mean to me to make the final 5 again this year.

When I found out that I'd been nominated last year, I was not in a very good place personally....actually, I was considering quitting the blog all together as I felt lacking in energy to keep it up.
 But finding out that someone, somewhere out there....in the real world, thought enough of my little blog to take the time to nominate me, blew my tiny mind!
I figured, what the heck....just a little bit longer!
I must admit, I was, and still am, a bit uncomfortable toting for votes on social media, but I thought "I owe it to the person that has made the effort to nominate me", so I pushed on....
....and your response was amazing!
Seeing that people from all over the world would take the time to vote for Nostalgiecat, made me believe....in myself, in what I was doing, in the blog and in the future!
So thank you all so much for your support last year....every single vote you gave me helped build me up, grow in confidence and put a smile on my face!

As I mentioned above, I had never expected to make last years shortlist, but thanks to all of you, and you support, I did...and it has changed my life!!

I may not have come home with a trophy at the end of last years award night, but I still felt like a winner!
I got to meet (Read: observe cautiously from afar LOL) some of my blogging and interior idols, as well as getting to know some of my blogging peers, whom I now call friends (Love you all, you know who you are)!
It made me feel like I was part of something, something worthwhile and important...that I had something to contribute to, in this mad online world us bloggers work in!
 It made me proud to call myself a blogger!
It helped me redefine myself, at a time when I , truthfully, felt lost and needed it the most!
It also brought a lot of opportunities I didn't even realize that blogging could bring: Collaborations and working relationships with both brands and people that I admired. 
Last but not least, making it to the awards night last year, meant that I could take myself and my little blog seriously and actually pursue blogging as a career....and it gave me the direction my life needed!

So, this year I would love to do it all again....but this time I'm not so green, not so lost and not distrusting in my own potential...
I've found my calling, my strength and my vocation: I know who I am and what Nostalgiecat stands for and the direction it is going....
My personal life still feels like a battle sometimes, and if you pay close attention to my social media posts, I sometimes touch on those issues, because I feel like they are also an important part of my creative life....but here on the blog I tend to keep it professional: Creative interior design is my thing, and it defines me and Nostalgiecat.
I see the blog as an online resource anybody that want to improve their homes, both functionally and aesthetically can refer to for tips and tutorials....Learn how to best drill a hole through a tile or how to paint your wooden floorboards....or how to make a simple, but stylish coffee table or some art for your walls...In the past year I've posted loads of DIY tutorials that will help give you some creative ideas and help you add some personality to your home....as well as tips on how to set about redesigning a room and budget guides to stylish and creative home life enhancing solutions...

I truly believe that Interior design is for everybody, and that it can help everyone make their home their favorite place to be!

I have a lot of very exciting projects in the pipeline at the moment, that I cant wait to share with you all...so do sign up for my weekly newsletter by entering your email in the bar below if you think you'd like to follow along...

And if you have a minute to spare, I'd love it if you would give me your vote for Best DIY and craft blog at the Amara interior blog awards....It really means THAT much to me, and this year, maybe I could even win it??

But I can't do it without your support, so please vote for my little blog by clicking on the logo, below:
Please vote for me for best DIY blog

Thank you!


  1. Love this post and your blog in general. You are totally deserving of this recognition! I cast my vote!

  2. I voted! I just realised that I bookmark/pin almost all your posts & I can't say that about any of the tonnes of other blogs I read - hope you win, you deserve it :)

  3. Thank you both so much Brittany and Lizzie! Your kind words has truly made my day!


Please let me know your thoughts or questions on this post...I love hearing from you all...
