Saturday 16 August 2014

5 inspirational office spaces

Image via
The last couple of weeks me and Little Miss Moo have been busy working on turning our messy dumping ground of a loft space into an office/work-space/playroom...
With LMM starting year 1 in September, she needs a place to do her homework, as her room is too small for a desk....but more selfishly, I wanted to create a work space for my self: Somewhere I can get messy with all my projects (so I don't mess up our NEW kitchen, which has been my little hub up until now, and somewhere I can retreat to , to write my blog posts in peace and quiet (NOT on the sofa with Scoobie Doo blaring on the just now!!) Also somewhere we can all go to just hang out... So I've been spending a lot of time on Online looking for inspirational work spaces/ offices recently...
Today I want to share my top 5 most inspirational images:
#Top image is from a friend of a friends home in my hometown of Bergen, Norway, The entire house is just dreamy, but I particularly love the simplistic and rustic look of this work space: The use of old apple crates as shelves on the wall is inspired, and the framed child's drawing is soo cute.... And I lust after that filing cabinet!!
Norwegian blogger Elisabeth Johansen from pure interior has created this little working paradise.
I love the long desk with space for several, miss matched chairs: Ideal if LMM has friends around for some craft time... I also adore the wire mesh mood board on the wall: I may have to DIY one like it!!
Amalie Fagerli of the Norwegian blog Svenngaarden 's workspace is almost opulent.... yet functional, with the use of gold and metallics throughout! I love the gilded ornate frame used to display her mood board /images and the lushness of that green palm!! I also like how she's created a narrow shelf above her desk to help free up some desk space and keep it clutter free!

This space from blanaid is very close to what our loft space look like, with the slanted ceilings on either side, and I love the idea of the trestle bench along that wall and the way this lay out gives enough floorspace for a seating area and a rug on the floor where LMM (or me) can play !

My last picture of an inspirational work space is this one, found via vtwonen. Unfortunately I cannot find the original source, but it is obviously Scandinavian: Just see that lovely map of Scandinavia on the wall...I want one!! I love the monochrome and airy look in this room, but what really caught my eye, was the flooring: The sort of floor you don't need to worry if you spill some paint on....This work space is for creating in!! I also love the use of casters on the storage units, making them easy to move around to change the space!!

Follow along in the next couple of weeks to see how elements of these inspirational offices will be implemented in my redesign of our loft into a work space...
There will be some practical how-to's, some easy DIY's and some more creative and decorative makes ....and of course: the big Reveal!!


  1. Hei, takk for hyggelig kommentar hos meg. Så inspirerende kontorplasser! Beklager at jeg ikke fikk svart deg da du la igjen en melding hos meg, jeg har ikke vært innom bloggen så ofte i det siste... Du kan selvfølgelig låne bilder av meg :)

    Masse lykke til med innredning av kontorplassen din!

    Klem Tonje

  2. Hei Tonje!!Tusen takk for laan av bilde! Du burde virkelig hode bloggen gaaende....den er kjempe bra!! Takk for at du kikket innom meg her!! :) xxx


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